Categorize your pages!!!
In order to create a new category start a new page with: Category: CategoryName and add <categorytree mode="pages">CategoryName</categorytree> to show a Category Tree in his page
Category: Funky then edit source <categorytree mode="pages">Funky</categorytree>
In order categorize your pages:follow this rules, adding categories add the end of your source:
[[Category: Genre]] [[Category: Nation]] [[Category: City]] [[Category: Club Name]] [[Category: Year]] [[Category: Date: dd/mm]]
[[Category: Funky]] [[Category: Italy]] [[Category: Bologna]] [[Category: CLUBNAME]] [[Category: 2025]] [[Category: Date: 31/12]]
[[Category: Disco]] [[Category: Italy]] [[Category: MILANO]] [[Category: CLUBNAME]] [[Category: 2025]] [[Category: Date: 31/12]]